Protect your client data
In today's global and technology driven landscape where cloud data storage and offshore outsourcing are becoming increasingly predominant, protection of client data is a hot topic. Here are some things you should consider when selecting your SMSF Auditor:
Where is the Work Performed?
Is the work performed in their local office, or outsourced to another firm, or perhaps even another country? Australian Data Protection Laws protect your security, outsourced data may not be subject to the same level of scrutiny.
Where is the Data Stored?
Is your client data stored onsite or offsite, in Australia or in another country? Unless you outsource to a reputable and reliable firm that employs vigilant security and storage systems, it could impact your data security, particularly if it is being sent overseas where data guarding may not be as stringent.
Who has Access to Client Information?
Do you know who is working on your client files? The more locales in which the data is stored and the more times it changes hands, the greater your risk of exposure.
Is There a Quality-Cost Tradeoff? Can you have secure, quality SMSF audits and still be cost-effective? Yes. Selecting an experienced and trusted auditor who can provide both quality and cost-effective audits will protect your practice and give you peace of mind.
The Saul SMSF Guarantee
At Saul SMSF, all our audit work is performed by highly skilled staff in our office in Sydney, under our direct supervision. There is no transfer of information to any other country or organisation, everything is stored securely in Australia. Our dedicated software platform, "RELLIANCE", allows us to streamline and add efficiency to our audit service, providing economies of scale and thus better value to you.
As one of Australia's most experienced and trusted independent SMSF auditors, you can count on us for complete data security so you can rest easy knowing that you and your clients are protected.
Contact us for more information.